OpenRecall is a free and open source Alternative to Microsoft's Windows Recall

 OpenRecall is a free and open source Alternative to Microsoft's Windows Recall 

Microsoft's Windows Recall has received criticism for privacy concerns, And most people don't really want to use it. But there is a alternative to Windows Recall called OpenRecall, it's free and open source plus it's privacy-first alternative. And it works just like Windows recall.

These tools (Windows Recall, OpenRecall) are designed to help you access and search your digital history, essentially enhancing your memory and productivity. So here are some features of OpenRecall:

Open-source and Privacy-focused: Unlike Microsoft's Windows Recall, OpenRecall is completely open-source. This means the code behind it is publicly available for anyone to examine. This transparency builds trust as there's less chance of hidden features that might compromise your data.

Digital History Capture: OpenRecall works by taking periodic snapshots of your computer screen, like screenshots. It then analyzes the text and images within these snapshots to make them searchable.

Search and Explore: You can search your digital history using keywords or browse through a visual timeline of your past activity. This can be helpful for finding specific information you've encountered before.

Cross-platform compatibility: A major advantage of OpenRecall is that it works on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, unlike Windows Recall which is limited to Microsoft devices.

Personally I don't want to use use any of these Recall features but If someone wants it then we have open source alternative, which is good I think.

I have also made a video in this topic so watch the video down below for more information.

Click Here to visit OpenRecall's official GitHub page

Extra note: I have tried installing this multiple time on a virtual machine but could not launch it, maybe it doesn't work on VM or maybe I'm not skilled enough to fix the errors, So it's definitely not an easy to setup thing. And I really don't want to use these features anyway😊but it's good to see the free and open source alternatives.

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