VLOGGER AI : Create realistic talking videos of people

 VLOGGER AI : Create realistic talking videos of people

VLOGGER is a new method for creating realistic talking videos of people. It builds on recent advances in a field called generative diffusion models. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

Single image input: All you need is a single picture of the person.

Text and audio control: VLOGGER can use text instructions and audio recordings to control what the person in the video says and how they move.

Focus on body and face: VLOGGER creates realistic facial expressions and body movements that align with the audio.

VLGGER can also edit existing videos.

This is actually the best Talking head video generator, because it generates facial expressions and body movements that align with the audio.

I have made a video this topic so watch the video down below for more information.

Click Here to learn more about VLOGGER from official website 

Note: as of me writing this post, this isn't available for use, but we can see the demos of what it does.

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