Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - The best and safest Windows 11 Optimizer

 Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility

Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility (WinUtil) is a free and open-source program that helps you install, remove, and update essential Windows programs and features. It also includes a number of tweaks and fixes to improve your Windows experience. 

This tool is made and maintained by the @Chris Titus Tech  a really popular tech YouTuber, Here are some of the key features of Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility:

Install essential programs and features: The Utility includes a large list of popular Windows programs and features that you can easily install with a single click. This includes programs like 7-Zip, VLC Media Player, and Notepad++ etc.

Tweaks and fixes: The Utility includes a number of tweaks and fixes that can improve your Windows experience. These include tweaks to disable telemetry, disable services, and more.

Make your own Windows 11 lite ISO: MicroWin, a feature within Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility allows you to create custom Windows installation ISOs.

AND MORE......

I have made a video in this topic so watch the video down below for more information on this tool.

Click Here to download Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility (WinUtil) from official GitHub page

Extra note: Before using any third party tool to optimize your Windows make sure to do some research and also create system restore point. I trust Chris Titus 😊 and it's tool so I can say it's safe to use and use recommended settings.

Check out my other posts, I post useful tutorials and tech tips, maybe you will find something useful 😉.