ChatGPT voice conversations is so good and realistic

 ChatGPT voice conversations

I used ChatGPT on the web and never considered using it on the phone. However, I realized I was missing out on a lot by not using it on the phone.

ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI, and it recently gained the ability to have voice conversations. This means you can now talk to ChatGPT directly, instead of typing in your queries. This opens up a whole new way to interact with the AI, making it more natural and engaging. When I say natural I mean it feels like your talking to a real Human not AI.

I have made a video in this topic so watch the video down below for more information.

Click Here to download ChatGPT for Android from Play Store

Click Here to download ChatGPT for iOS from App Store

Extra thoughts :  Now this will be the cure to my loneliness 😂 

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