How to keep your Windows C drive clean without deleting anything

 How to keep your Windows C drive clean

This is a little advanced tutorial for those who want's to clean their Windows C drives, we all know we should delete the temporary files and cache files to free up some space from disk but let's be honest it doesn't help that much, all the programs and games that you have installed are gonna stay there so to free up the storage you have to uninstall them (if your C drive is full because of those huge games and programs), what if I tell you that you don't need to uninstall those games or programs, you can just simply move them, Yes it's possible and trsut me your games will work just like before.

There is a thing (idk what to say) called Symbolic link, it's a file-system object that points to another file system object. It's like a shortcut for files and folders which you can use to fool the Windows system to think that the files are still there but they are actually not there (they are in different location). It sounds complicated but trust me it's really easy to use and it's super helpful to free up the space on Windows disk.

I have made a video in this topic so you should watch the video down below to better understand how Symbolic link works and how to use them to free up the disk.

Click Here to download Link Shell Extension from official site

Link Shell Extension makes using Symbolic links really easy and simple.