Why I don't use WhatsApp or any other messenger app

 Why I don't use WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a really popular app used by many people all over the world, even in professional fields. But I'm one of those people who doesn't use WhatsApp or any other messenger app simply because of the Scams, Yes, whenever I use WhatsApp or any other simple app I get scam messages or calls. I mean for me it's easy to understand that it's a scam but scam exists because it works so there are people who fall for these scams. Usually I get scam messages saying that you have won a certain amount of money in lottery or something, then scammers try to get you bank details and tells you to pay the tax before you can receive the prize money. Trust me when I was new to the internet and I had my first smartphone I almost fell into the scam, I mean who doesn't love money right? but luckily at that time I didn't had any money to give to the scammer and took me few days to understand that it was a scam.

I have actually made a video in this topic so watch the video down below to hear more real scam stories which I have actually gone through.

Extra thoughts -: I don't really know how scammers gets our phone numbers but I'm pretty sure it's not the fault of WhatsApp or any other similar apps. I mean if you have 1 phone number you can just change few numbers and can generate new numbers which might be in use. I don't know what methods scammers use but they do try to get you if they get your phone number.Anyway this is the reason why I don't use messaging apps. I mean just imagine you got a new message and you look into your phone hoping to see your friends or families message but no it's scammer.

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