How to customize and theme Windows terminals in Windows 10 and 11 PC

 How to customize and theme Windows terminals

Are you bored of those black and white terminals in Windows PC then you have come to the right place my brother (or maybe sister 😁). Actually now you can customize all the terminals in Windows PC by using a app called Windows Terminal, It's actually a default and pre-installed terminal app on latest Windows 10 and Windows 11. Using this you can open and manage multiple terminals in one place, And guess what? you can also customize all of the Windows terminals "command prompt, PowerShell, Linux terminal etc". Not only you can customize them you can also have different themes for different terminals.

As always I have made a video in this topic so watch the video down below for more information and learn how to customize and theme your Windows terminals and download link for Windows Terminal app is just down below the video.

Click Here to download Windows Terminal app from Microsoft store

Click Here to download Windows Terminal app from GitHub repository

My opinion: Even though I'm not a huge terminal user but there are times when I have to use terminal ( I guess same goes for most of the Windows users) so why not make them look good.

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