Best free open source Uninstaller for Windows PC

 Free open source Uninstaller for Windows PC : BCU

There are like hundreds of Uninstaller programs out there, most of them are paid and even if there are free once then they won't do proper job of uninstalling programs. But there is one free and open source Uninstaller program for Windows PC caller Bulk Crap Uninstaller which works amazingly and has many features. Highlight feature of this program is " It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal to no user input, while requiring next to no technical knowledge" but it dose more than that, like for example"Find and remove leftovers after uninstallation, Clean Program Files directories from unused or empty folders" these are the most important feature of any uninstaller software because it keeps your Windows PC clean.

As always I have made a video in this topic so watch the video down below for more information and download link for the Bulk Crap Uninstaller will be just down below the video.

Click Here to download Bulk Crap Uninstaller for free from official website 

Extra note: There are many other features in Bulk Crap Uninstaller like Startup manager, Application ratings, Huge amount of data about applications is collected and displayed. User can freely browse, filter and export everything, Filtering with common presets or based on fully custom rules with Regex support ,Verification of uninstaller certificates, Large amount of configurability, Can run user-specified commands before and after uninstalling, Can run on .Net 4.0 or newer, or, if not available, on .Net 3.5 with reduced functionality (will work on Windows 7 or newer with no updates installed),Fully portable or installer. You can visit the Bulk Crap Uninstaller to get even more information.

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