Windows 11 2.0 is almost here

 Windows 11 2.0 update

OK we all know that current windows 11 isn't perfect. There are many features missing and many unwanted features. I am a Windows user and yes I use windows 11 as my main OS, and and I want windows 11 to get better. So the next windows 11 update which call it a Windows 11 2.0. This is actually going to be a Windows 11 version 22H2, and also going to known as windows 11 October or November update and also windows 11 Sun Valley 2 (SV2) update. For non Windows users this update might seem like pretty small update but for us a ture Windows users this is a huge update. Like someone said better late than never. It's a fact that Windows 11 is not perfect but it will become better and better overtime.

As always I have made a video on this topic so watch the video down below for more information on windows 11 2.0 (22H2) update.

Extra tip: you can get windows 11 22H2 right now if you join Windows Insider program and try out all the new upcoming features of Windows 11.

Click Here to download Windows 11 2.0 (22H2) ISO file (coming soon)

That's it for this post hope you enjoyed it, if you did then make sure to share this post with your friends and family and I hope to see you again in another post, for now have a good day and goodbye.