Please start using Windows system restore point before it's too late

 Great example of why you should create a system restore point on your Windows PC.

So basically my windows computer ran into a problem, the problem was that I could not open hey start menu and CPU usage was also high because of the windows report application running in the background constantly. I looked for many tutorials on YouTube and Google but couldn't find any solution. Long story short luckily I had a system restore point created by VirtualBox. And I realize that after installing a virtual box extension pack I got this problem. So I used a system restore point and my start menu was fixed. So please every time you update your windows or every time you install a new software create a system restore point, so if you get into any issue on your Windows PC you can undo the changes using system restore point feature.

As always I have made a video on this topic watch the video below and learn more about why system restore point is must use feature in windows.

Trust me you don't want something like this to happen to you so please use system restore point on your windows computer.

That's it for this post hope you enjoyed it, if you did then make sure to share this post with your friends and family and I hope to see you again in another post, for now have a good day and goodbye.