The best private web browser for Windows Mac OS and Linux computers

Ungoogled Chromium a Private Browser... 

When it comes to the private browser actually there are quite a lot of choices, one of the most popular privacy focused browser is Brave browser which has become a really big company by now so I'm not gonna talk about Brave. So if you're looking for the best private web browser for your computer try ungoogled chromium web browser. It is a open source project based on open source chromium project the difference between the chromium and the ungoogled chromium is that ungoogled-chromium aim of increasing privacy through removing Google components and blobs.

I made a video on this topic you can watch the video down below or go to the official GitHub page of ungoogled chromium for full information, link is just down below the video.

Click Here to download ungoogled chromium

Click Here to visit official GitHub page of ungoogled chromium

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