New Windows 11 task manager, how to enable it

 New Windows 11 task manager

Finally some big changes to the old Windows task manager is happening in windows 11.The new Windows 11 task manager looks very pretty 😍 it matches the design of Windows 11 and yes there is a dark theme on task manager now.

How to enable the new Windows 11 task manager :

Requires  Windows 11 build 22538 or newer builds

First download this tool from GitHub ViveTool, Click here to download and then extract the downloaded file.

Now open the Command Prompt as administrator, now type cd and paste path of the ViveTool folder and hit enter

example : cd C:\Users\KB-PC\Downloads\ViVeTool-v0.2.1 ( to copy the path, right click on ViveTool folder and click Copy as path)

Now paste these commands in command prompt

vivetool addconfig 35908098 2

vivetool addconfig 36898195 2

vivetool addconfig 37204171 2

And now restart your PC and enjoy the new Windows 11 task manager. If you want to see the windows 11 task manager in action I have made a video that you can watch down below.

That's it for this post hope you enjoyed it, if you did then make sure to share this post with your friends and family and I hope to see you again in another post, for now have a good day and goodbye.