I installed KVM on Windows 11 using WSL

 I installed KVM on Windows 11...

It was long time ago when I found out about the KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) and I was looking for a way to install it on a Windows PC because KVM is only available for Linux. Now thanks to WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) we can install any Linux apps on Windows 10 and Windows 11. So I enabled the WSL on my Windows 11 and then installed KVM (I was extremely happy and hyped). There is a GPU passthrough feature in KVM which makes KVM the most powerful virtual machine software. but sadly it didn't go as per plan on KVM on Windows 11, it is extremely slow and took me around 6 hours just to install Windows on KVM. Watch the video below to see KVM on Windows 11 and more information is just below the video.

Click Here to lean how to enable WSL on Windows 10 and 11

Click Here to learn more about KVM

Maybe it was a stupid idea but at least I tried KVM on Windows without using Linux, Just imagine if KVM could run natively on Windows or perform better even with WSL🤯. I think KVM is a great virtual machine just because of the the GPU passthrough capability.

That's it for this post, hope you enjoyed it.