A Fake Windows 10 the Linuxfx test with Windows programs

 Installing a fake Windows 10...

If you want to try a linux distro which is very familiar to Windows or looks and operates just like a Windows 10, you should try Linuxfx, Linuxfx is a Linux distro based on latest Ubuntu Linux and it just looks like a Windows 10. And you can install Windows programs and games on it out of the box, thanks to Wine pre-installed. So yeah I did the test myself and installed some Windows programs and game on it, just watch the video below see how it looks and how it works compare to Windows 10 and if you want try Linuxfx yourself than there is a download link just below the video.

Click Here to download Linuxfx (Fake Windows 10) from it's official site

So now time for my thoughts, I have never used a this simple and easy to use Linux distro, Wine pre-installed on it makes easy to install Windows games and programs, Since as I said it is easy to use Linux distro that mean even your grandma can use this Linux distro, because usually Linux distros are very complex to use for new users.

That's it for now hope you enjoyed this little post, I will see your in the next post bye😊.