Top Google Play Store Alternatives For The Android Smartphones

Top Google Play Store Alternatives For The Android Smartphones...
We all know (at least tech head guys) the Google Play Store isn't the perfect app store, it also has some flaws, for example how many times have you heard that some malware or spyware containing apps hits million downloads, you will see these types of news here and there evey now and than, dangerous apps gets hit on Google Play Store because the suggestions you get for the apps and games is just terrible, when I visit Google Play Store to get apps all I see is one type of many apps, now it's not that difficult to choose the right app for tech guy, but the noob people's gets tricked by the shinie thumbnails. So all i'm trying to say is that there are 1000's copy apps of 1 app, and Google Play Stores app filter and suggestions is just doo doo. So for that I have some 3rd party app stores that I want to recommend to you guys, since these are 3rd party app stores I can't say these are 100% secure but in some cases they are better than Google Play Store. Please watch the video below for more info on these app stores and the download links will be just below the video.

Click on download links next to app name to download the app





DOWNLOAD Uptodown App Store

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